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Non-Verbal Workshops

Not unlike Coca Cola's target audience, we "strive to satisfy the needs of a whole line of different people." Workshops are designed organically to fit the interests of your gathered group. Our facilitators come to your location so your participants are comfortable in a familiar environment.


The workshops listed here are merely abbreviated examples of what MSL has to offer. It's quite likely that any given workshop will incorporate several if not all of the specialties cited. We recommend groups of no more than 20 participants, and encourage diverse participants in terms of age, language, and background. Written curriculums may be requested, but are subject to organic alterations during execution.


If you have further ideas or questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Music Literacy

Exploring the relationship between the sounds we make and the expanding acceptance of Western transcription methods.


Making music together - listening to each other - scatting - experimenting - creating - learning to make room for each other within a song.



Attending to the patterns in music and embodying groove, rhythm, and kinesthetic and spacial awareness.


Storytelling through gibberish, non-verbal cues, and 'interestedness.'

"To nonmusicians, terms such as 'diatonic,' 'cadence,' or even 'key' and 'pitch' can throw up an unnecessary barrier...We're usually interested in the music, not the technical devices that were used." ~ Daniel L. Levitin

Conscious Listening

Also known as Music Appreciation; focuses on identifying and reassembling individual components of music.

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